Hello! Here we are going to set up your call center account.
You just need to answer few questions about your business
Please type your phone number
Enter the verification code
Okay! Now type your email please
What’s your company name?
Okay. Please select modules you want to use
Which country do you need numbers?
Select Country


England (

Germany (

France (

Norway (

Sweden (

Israel (

Switzerland (

Russia (
Do you have your own phone numbers or you want to use ours?
Good. Please select the type that fits you
Please type how many operators you need
Do you want to pay the price per minute or to buy a bank of minutes?
How many minutes do you need?
כמות |
Price |
מחיר ס"כ |
נציגים: |
9 |
$2 |
#232 |
Fax: |
9 |
$232 |
#232 |
דקות: |
9 |
$2 |
#232 |
סמס: |
9 |
$232 |
#232 |
WhatsApp: |
9 |
$232 |
#232 |
HarBituah: |
9 |
$232 |
#232 |
נציגים: |
9 |
$232 |
#232 |
מספרים: |
$20 |
#232 |
Minute price can float depending on minutes used last month |
ס"כ: |
$5000 |
Your credit card number please
Your credit card end date please
Your credit card CVV please
Please agree with Licence Agreement