WhatsApp API by X-Cloud Solutions

Send notifications, customer service messages and essential information your customers need on WhatsApp.

Separate messages

Separate messages for your comfort and organize them so that they stay in order.

Practical, intuitive, simple

This interface is design for people. We made it easy to manage so that our clients would have no trouble using it.

Chat with clients

Easily send WhatsApp messages without having to manage hosting, scaling or constant software updates.

Add client to data base

Add your client to your data base and have access to it anytime. That’s comfortable!

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Use this for you business purposes and enjoy the experience.

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Message to numbers

Send message to a groups of numbers for your campaigns.

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Search messages or people with simple search with all important parameters.

Message template

Create a template for your messages. You can use it for campaigns and single messages for quick answer.

Link client to the operator

Link you clients and have everything in order.

Block client

Block client if it’s needed.